Too many priorities PARALYZE us – John C. Maxwell

#success #leadership #priorities #work
Every one of us has looked at our desks filled with memos and papers, heard the phone ringing, and watched the door open all at the same time! Remember the “frozen feeling” that came over William H. Hinson tells us why animal trainers carry a stool when they go into a cage of lions. They have their whips, of course, and their pistols are at their sides. But invariably they also carry a
stool. Hinson says it is the most important tool of the trainer….


He holds the stool by the back and thrusts the legs toward the face of the wild animal. Those who know maintain that the animal tries to focus on all four legs at once. In the attempt to focus on all four, a
kind of paralysis overwhelms the animal, and it becomes tame,  weak, and disabled because its attention is fragmented. (Now we will have more empathy for the lions.)
One day, Sheryl, one of our most productive staff members,  came to see me. She looked exhausted. I learned that she was overloaded. Her “to do” list was getting too long. I asked her to
list all her projects. We prioritized them together. I can still see the look of relief on her face as the load began to lift.
If you are overloaded with work, list the priorities on a separate sheet of paper before you take it to your boss and see what he will choose as the priorities.
The last of each month I plan and lay out my priorities for the next month. I sit down with Barbara, my assistant, and have her place those projects on the calendar. She handles hundreds of
things for me on a monthly basis. However, when something is of High Importance / High Urgency, I communicate that to her so it will be placed above other things. All true leaders have learned to say No to the good in order to say Yes to the best.

Authored By : John C. Maxwell

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